Top 10 Project Mistakes

Generate required synoptics and complete by the following iterative processes:

Generate Router Synoptics with required IO

Add patching with location info to router drawings

Add required blocks to other drawings

Interconnect blocks to create required signal flow with first pass on patch panel usage
  without locations determined, and with initial fly on/off info

Add location info to synoptics

Generate Module and Frame placement spreadsheets

Internal Design Review 1

Assign jackfield locations to synoptic patching and add to patching elevations

Assign reference fly ins/outs to drawings

Assign network connections to drawings

First pass on inventorying and assigning connector details

Internal Design Review 2

Generate Connector detail drawings

  Smiling Smittys Big Pinout Book

Final sanity check

Finalize Test Plan

Finalize Implementation Plan

Final Design review

Implement changes from design review